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Be informed that the 1% Control the World. 4% are Sell Out Puppets. 90% are Asleep. 5% Know and are trying to Wake Up the 90% but the 1% Do Not Want the 5% to Wake Up the 90%. As futurists, we give you hindsight on how to get moving after the Covid 19 / Corona Pandemic disruptions and new world order. And that is the reason you must buy the Diplomatic Lifestyle journals and booklets.



Your Security starts with you. Your Security Alertness & Necessity depends on your Job Position, Social Interactions, Networks, Economic Might, Way of Living and Standards of Living. You can only be able to protect those who matter to you if you can protect yourself. This Article Details how you can Offensively, Defensively, Passively and Actively Protect yourself. The Protection Insights range from: Home Protection, Self Defense & Offense, Workstation & Residence Protection, Protection when on the move, Economic Security, Bodyguard Protection, Crime Investigation Essentials, Intelligence Gathering & Safeguard Measures, Air & Water Travel Security, Emergency Preparedness etc. You never know when you will need to defend yourself or how to defend yourself should the inevitable happen. The Article also details the Features and Classes of Armored Vehicles and Human Body Armor. It further details the Types of Gunshot Wounds that a Victim can have, Ways a Gunshot Wound can be treated and Examples of Wound Stitching Styles. You are also shown some Basic Survival Tips such as : What to do when you fall through Ice in Frozen Water, How to Survive a Heart Attack when you are alone, What to do when your Vehicle Experiences a Tire Burst when you are Driving etc. Information is also given on how to Set up a Vehicle for Covert Surveillance, How to Spy on a Person, Ways you can convert Stereo Speakers into a Microphone and How to Distort a Surveillance Cameras Signal Feed. Additional information is also given on what to do when you are caught up in a crossfire, Types of Human Body Armor and What to do when a V.I.P. / Diplomat is being Tracked or Masked by an Undercover Surveillance Team. An elaborate explanation is also given on how a V.I.P. / Diplomat is protected when in a Hotel, Hospital, Airport, Public Place etc.


This article details how you can initiate a Start Up Company, Product or Service and what to expect or undertake as it grows to maturity. Once the Company, Product or Service has reached its peak Point, growth starts to diminish. As the growth diminishes, you need to have planned for your worst during your hey days. A detailed description of what to expect and what should be undertaken to rejuvenate the Company, Product or Service is given.


This Article enlightens you on how to survive in the Job Industry as an Employee until you become Self Employed before you finally become an Employer. Job Related Intricacies and Incidents can turn out to be a nightmare if not handled properly.


This article informs you on how Scopolamine, Hyoscine or the Burundaga Drug disables the will of whoever ingests it resulting to the Victim to be Easily Subdued and Manipulated Without any Resistance. It further details how the Drug is Administered to the Victim, The Symptoms of the Drug and some precautionary Measures that you can take to avoid being drugged.

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Your Security starts with you. Your Security Alertness & Necessity depends on your Job Position, Social Interactions, Networks, Economic Might, Way of Living and Standards of Living. You can only be able to protect those who matter to you if you can protect yourself. This Article Details how you can Offensively, Defensively, Passively and Actively Protect yourself. The Protection Insights range from : Home Protection, Self Defense & Offense, Workstation & Residence Protection, Protection when on the move, Economic Security, Bodyguard Protection, Crime Investigation Essentials, Intelligence Gathering & Safeguard Measures, Air & Water Travel Security, Emergency Preparedness etc. You never know when you will need to defend yourself or how to defend yourself should the inevitable happen.

 B)     Bitcoin, Altcoins, Crypto Currency And Block Chain Technology

This article explains why Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies were created. It also explains how Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies work. It further explains how the value of Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies increases or decreases.  In addition, details and features on which Crypto Currencies will prevail for the long term are also revealed. These details are your guide into helping you to understand and know which Crypto Currencies you can Trade or Invest in for the long term. The Article also advices you on what to look out for when Trading in Crypto Currencies.


This Article Details how Addiction Exploiters manipulate their Markets through enticing relevant Stakeholders to flood the Market with their Products / Services. This then enables as many people as possible to be addicted to their Products / Services. In the end, the Addiction Exploiters will enrichen themselves while bleeding the rest of the people dry.


This article shows you how Sarin can be used to poison you when it is administered as a Binary Agent. The effects of Sarin Poisoning and ways that you can use to prevent the poison from killing you once it has been administered are also detailed.

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The game of knowing how to play the cards of Winning or Retaining Political Power / Elections is very intricate and complex. Only a few people have mastered the game. This article enlightens you on how an Election is Planned, Organized, Executed and Won. The article further details on ways that you can use to manipulate an election to your favor.


This article explains how Disasters are Created or Manipulated for personal gain at the Victim’s expense. The article goes ahead to detail ways through which Disasters can be Mitigated and Detected beforehand.


This article details how Wealthy Individuals, Politicians and Senior Government Officials collude to sabotage a Country’s Economy or Currency. The article goes ahead to explain how Currency Manipulation is orchestrated and ways that you can exploit to catapult yourself into power when a crisis occurs.


Having the mindset of the wealthy 1% requires you to adhere to certain set standards as highlighted in this article. The article further enlightens you on how you can be able to create and maintain wealth.


 This article shows you how VX Agent can be used to poison you when it is administered as a Binary Agent. The effects of VX Agent Poisoning and ways that you can use to prevent the poison from killing you once it has been administered are also detailed.

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This article enlightens you on how some Luxury Fashion Labels / Shops stereotype people, why they stereotype people and how they generalize the way that they portray people. The article also explains how you can sell products / services through Acclamation, Obstruction and Appearance Profiling. The article further explains what organizations do when it comes to Product Return Policy.


This article shows you the basics of Investing and Stock Trading. It also explains the C, C + and C – types of People that you shall encounter in everyday living.


This article gives you the intrigues that surround Gated Communities when unscrupulous residents with egocentric ideas decide to influence or manipulate the Residential Decision Making Process or Organs.


This article details how Lending Institutions manipulate Interest Payments, which in turn make it expensive for Borrowers to pay their loans. You are also informed as to how you may find yourself paying for the loan several months past the stated loan clearance date / loan payment duration.


 This article explains the misuse of Nicotine as a drug and the side effects of using it. Nicotine was first used as an agricultural insecticide and is addictive to the user. Always aim at knowing the drug that you are using / want to use to avoid unwarranted health implications that should have been avoided in advance.

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This article gives you an insight on how money was introduced, the intrigues that ensued after currency was introduced and how paper currency originated. The article further gives you an insight on how the government manipulates money, why the government introduced government bonds / treasury bills and how the United States dollar became a currency that world governments pegged their national currency on. The article further enlightens you on how banks create virtual money that does not correspond to the physical cash on their bank vaults. The article shows how banks invest your money to make profits and the implications thereof. The article also makes you aware of crypto currency as an alternative form of physical currency.


This article gives you an insight as to why the rich continue getting richer while the poor continue getting poorer. The article also gives you business examples that the rich use to come up with business plans that source for massive populations buying into the idea. The population then gets to buy into their ideas. This ends up making the rich richer while draining money from the poor at the poor people’s expense.


This article shows you how the rich use influential networks so as to land lucrative deals for themselves. These influential networks sell their influence to the highest bidder whereas these businessmen will buy that influence in exchange of lucrative favors. These mutual deals can take place without considering the negative repercussions that the populace will have to undergo.


This article enlightens you on ways that celebrities get food poisoning. The article also details on some types of food poisoning drugs and counter measures that you can use so as to avoid food poisoning / to avoid eating poisoned food.


This article gives you an insight on cocaine as a drug. Did you know that Coca Cola used to include Coca leaves as one of its ingredients? The article will show you how cocaine works, the side effects of cocaine and the original use of cocaine.

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If you want to understand how current leading industry players managed to reach where they are. This is the article to read. This   article gives you an insight as to how you can stop dealing with bosses who will pay you wages that are just enough to get you by and to start dealing with clients. Clients that shall enable you to start building your own empire as you enjoy being amongst the world’s top ranking King Pins. It will then be up to you to decide whether you want to live like a pauper servant or as an established industry player.


Education is vital for everyone. But did you know that we have two types of education systems in the world. You can be taught to be a lifetime servant / employee or to be a master / employer; based on the type of education system that you find yourself in. Read along for more insights.


This article gives you an insight as to how cartels are formed, organized and run. In life you will encounter either one of the three cartels. These are: Social Cartels, Political Cartels, and Economic Cartels. For you to be able to know how to counter them, then this article is a must read. Instead of complaining on how your favorite candidate was not voted into office, OR on the latest financial scandal in town/ on the latest criminal gang killings in town; read this article and get enlightened on the ongoing behind the scenes reportage.


As a driver, there is more to driving than acquiring a driving license and a vehicle to drive. This article sensitizes you on some of the obvious dangers on the road that we usually take for granted. Our hope is that you will take your time to read the article so that the next time you are driving, you shall be able to keep your eye on the road as you drive safely on every unknown blind spots that you shall encounter on the road.


Drug abuse is one of the most dangerous behaviors that can affect a celebrity. As a diplomat or successful entrepreneur, you would not want to find yourself wasted by drug abuse. This includes the people who are closest to you or are working for you. This article gives you an overview of met-amphetamine. Did you know that the drug can make you stay awake for longer periods of time while not feeling hungry? This characteristic of the drug made people to use it so as to work longer periods of time while earning lots of money in return. Read this article for more information.


This article gives you a process that you can implement in a real life scenario so as to rid yourself from bondage into freedom. This bondage can either be Social, Political or Economic. This step by step guide to gaining freedom may be the solution that you have been looking for. Go ahead and read the article in the Diplomatic Lifestyle Journal, then give us your feedback.

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